(773) 860-0643  

Product Demos


Dynamics GP supports multiple companies within a single instance/database, but it can be a challenge to maintain the same Master records in multiple companies, execute inter-company transfers or frequently log in from one company to another. Alba Spectrum’s Company Merge Utility (CMU) merges multiple companies into a single database where, if desired, they can be managed as independent entities using Binary Stream’s Multi Entity Module. Contact sales@albaspectrum.com to for a free, no-obligation consultation on your merge project and how CMU can help.

Posting Server GP

For enterprises using Microsoft Dynamics GP, posting of transactions to or through General Ledger is a critical quality control point in their business workflow. As business volumes grow, posting can become a time-consuming process for your most valued employees. For businesses with high-volume sales websites, accelerated posting means faster order processing, and more satisfied customers. Posting Server GP automates batch posting for any transaction file, whether that file was created in GP, or imported from another business process. Contact sales@albaspectrum.com for a free, no-obligation consultation on how we can help automate the posting process for your Dynamics GP system.

Advanced Workflow

Advanced Workflow 2.0 for Dynamics GP enables organizations to enhance productivity in Dynamics GP or any other application by adding fully automated workflows and notifications to any transaction or field update. Workflow processes can be designed, created and maintained by stakeholders or administrators with little or no involvement from developers. Reach out to us at sales@albaspectrum.com for a free, no-obligation consultation on how we can help your organization save time and money by automating your workflows in Dynamics GP.